We Initiate, Support and Sponsor the Events
We Initiate the Scientific, Academic Professional Events & Programs to Facilitate the Evaluation of New Ideas and New Research in an Innovative, Resourceful and Creative Setting. Our activities helps to promote the vigorous dialogue between industry and professionals from the arena. Our vision is to profess knowledge and disseminate the research information for the scientific community by providing an advanced platform. We receive the skilled opinions from the researchers, key leaders and influential personals able to guide through their multitude talk. Thus, we are at the frontline of distribution of knowledge through enlightening, informative and high quality events. That is specialized in providing comprehensive information and updates through conferences, journals and exhibitions. We cover all major areas including health, medicine, humanities, business, engineering, physics, geology and social sciences.
Youth Seerah Conference & Exhibition - 2024
Competitive Presentations by Students | Keynote Speeches by renowned Scholars | Creative Exhibition Posters, Arts and Models
10:00 AM to 6:00 PM | Feb 18, 2024 | Ross Glen Hall, Mount Royal University, Calgary, AB T3E7N5 Canada.
YSC 2024: After successfully completing two Youth Seerah conferences, Fussilat Academy and ICNA are pleased to announce Third Annual Youth Seerah Conference & Exhibition. The event is also being organized in collaboration with Muslim Council of Calgary (MCC), Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) - Calgary, Muslim Student Associations of University of Calgary, Mount Royal University, and Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT). The conference will include competitive presentations by High School and University students on a host of topics covering various aspects of the Seerah. Two renowned scholars will grace the event with keynote speeches and the audience will also be able to enjoy an exhibition showcasing posters, arts, and models about Seerah.
The key objectives of this conference are: To encourage High School and University students to read about the Prophet (PBUH) and share their research. To give students the confidence to speak about the Prophet (PBUH), clarify misconception and defend him from defamation. To spread understanding and emulation of the Prophet (PBUH) life and character.
Conference & Exhibition
Pak Pharma & Healthcare Expo : February 21-22, 2024
A pharmaceutical machines, API, and lab equipment exhibition will be held at Expo Centre Lahore. An equivalent of the CPHI/PMec, Arab Health, MediLab, Maghreb exhibitions for the Pakistani pharmaceutical industry. Exhibitions in Pakistan being organized from the very early days and they took a modern shape when dedicated expo centers were set up across Pakistan. Karachi Expo Center and Lahore Expo centers are two main exhibition centers in Pakistan. Pak-China Friendship Center in Islamabad is used for exhibition and trade fairs and exhibitions. Expo center events in Pakistan organize exhibitions and trade fairs across various industries and businesses. Pak Pharma Expo Exhibitions started in the year 2006 and since then it has attracted local and international exhibitors interested in promoting their products and service to pharmaceutical industries in Pakistan. Arab Health is a very important event for Exhibitors targeting MENA customers. Similarly, Asia Pharma Expo is a very important event for Exhibitors targeting Bangladesh Pharmaceutical customers. Pak Pharma & Health Care Expo is an evenly important event for Exhibitors having business interests in Pakistan Pharmaceutical and Health Care Industry.
International Conference
ICHT2022 aims to bring together Academicians and Researchers to exchange and share the acme of scientific knowledge in different disciplines like Computer Science and Applications, Electronics and Instumentation, Life Sciences, Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Physical Education. ICHT2022 presents an open forum for scientists, academicians, researchers, engineers, industry experts, analysts, business managers and practitioners,and students to exchange the latest innovations and research advancements in various areas. It will be a unique platform offering deliberations on multiple dimensions of Innovation, Technology, Management and Humanity. Last date for Paper Submission 30 November 2021 | Paper Acceptance Notification 20 December 2021 | Camera Ready Copy Submission 27 December 2021, Registration 27 December 2021, Date of Conference 17 - 22 January 2022 | About http://icht2022.mesmarampally.org/about_us.phpICHT 2022 Tracks http://icht2022.mesmarampally.org/track.php, ICHT 2022 Speakers http://icht2022.mesmarampally.org/speakers.php, ICHT 2022 Schedule Summary http://icht2022.mesmarampally.org/schedule.php, ICHT 2022 Important Dates http://icht2022.mesmarampally.org/important_dates.php, Mrs. Jaseena K U ICHT2022 Organizing Secretary MES College Marampally, Marampally PO, North Vazhakulam Ernakulam (Dt.), Kerala India - 683105. C.: +91 9847080148 | E.: icht2022@mesmarampally.org,
17-22 January 2022, India MES College Marampally, Marampally PO, North Vazhakulam Ernakulam (Dt.), Kerala India - 683105. C.: +91 9847080148 | E.: icht2022@mesmarampally.org
The 1st International Online Conference
Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences: A Response to COVID-19
The 1st International Online Conference, Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences: A Response to COVID-19
Theme: Support Health Care Heroes | September 1-3, 2020 | By, Faculty of Pharmacy (girls), Al-Azhar University, Egypt | In Collaboration with Regional Office of Association of African universities | Advanced Multiple Inc., Ontario Canada. Egypt Knowledge Bank | This Prof. Amany El-Sharif, Dean Faculty of Pharmacy (for girls), Al-Azhar University & regional coordinator of Association of African Universities. Despite current challenges caused by COVID 19, we figured out our responsibilities as health care professionals to gather scientific efforts and ensure their sharing and availability to salute efforts of Health Care Heroes. In this regards, and based on your valuable contribution to promote Health Education, I would like to invite you as a speaker at the 1st International online Webinar of Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences: a response to COVID 19 which will be held during September 1-3, 2020 by Faculty of Pharmacy (for girls), Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.
Contact us: Amany El-Sharif M.B., B.Ch., M.S.(Microbiology), PhD Certified Program of UNILEAD – DAAD Prof. of microbiology and immunology Dean Faculty of Pharmacy (girls) Al-Azhar Universities Regional Coordinator of Association of African Universities Regional Director of North African Office at Association of African Universities Cairo Egypt. Tel./ WhatsApp No.: +2 01064603333 E.: covid.conf2020@Azhar.edu.eg | pharm.g.dean@azhar.edu.eg, We appreciate circulation of conference data among your network! For more details and registration for participants: https://form.jotform.com/201764502091549
1st International Online Conference
Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences: A Response to COVID-19
This Prof. Amany El-Sharif, Dean Faculty of Pharmacy (for girls), Al-Azhar University & regional coordinator of Association of African Universities. Despite current challenges caused by COVID 19, we figured out our responsibilities as health care professionals to gather scientific efforts and ensure their sharing and availability to salute efforts of Health Care Heroes. In this regards, and based on your valuable contribution to promote Health Education, I would like to invite you as a speaker at the 1st International online Webinar of Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences: a response to COVID 19 which will be held during September 1-3, 2020 by Faculty of Pharmacy (for girls), Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.
Contact us: Tel./ WhatsApp No.: +2 01064603333, E.: covid.conf2020@Azhar.edu.eg | pharm.g.dean@azhar.edu.eg, We appreciate circulation of conference data among your network! For more details and registration for participants: https://form.jotform.com/201764502091549
Prof. Amany El-Sharif, Dean Faculty of Pharmacy (girls) Al-Azhar Universities Regional Coordinator of Association of African Universities
6th International Conference
The Holy Quran & Science Conference and Exhibition - 2019
We invite all prospective and potential professional institutions to move forward and become active partner of “6th The Holy Quran & Science Conference and Exhibition - 2019”. We love to build a team and work in collaboration. That will help to obtained fruitfully conclusive outcomes. Thus, we invite to all local corporate businesses, professional institutions and government agencies to support this event. Please feel free to contact us to discuss and/ or get involvement in this symposium, Event Date: Sunday November 24, 2019 | Venue: 1194 Matheson Blvd E Mississauga, ON L4W 1Y2 Canada | Chairperson Hameed A Mirza PhD, Chemistry Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science Contract Faculty, Chemistry Building, 148 York University, Toronto, ON Canada. Tel.: +1 (416)736-2100 x 33852 (Voicemail) E.: hmirza@yorku.ca Advanced Multiple Inc. Mississauga Ontario Canada. Tel.: +1(647)526-0885 E.: info@advancedmultiple.ca, E.: office@advancedmultiple.ca | W.: http://www.advancedmultiple.ca/ | W.: http://www.advancedmultiple.com/ | Conference Secretariat info@@advancedmultiple.ca office@advancedmultiple.ca Sales and Exhibition Manager CAN: +1-647-526-0885 | info@advancedmultiple.ca
2nd International
Conference theme: “Chemistry Today” Title: 2ND INTERNATIONAL CHEMISTRY CONFERENCE, CHEMISTRY TODAY - 2019 | Abstract submission deadline: June 30, 2019. Early bird registration: June 15, 2019 | Event date: July 9-11, 2019 | Conference Venue Department of Chemistry KU Circular Rd, University of Karachi, Karachi 75270 Sindh, Pakistan.+92 99261300-06 Ext: 2290 chemistry@uok.edu.pk http://www.uok.edu.pk/ | The official language of the Conference is English. Upon registration you will receive a Conference kit that includes the printed material of the Conference and your name badge. Please wear your name badge at all times during the Conference and to all official Conference events. Participants from certain countries may require a visa in order to travel to Pakistan. Participants are requested to check with their local Pakistani Consulate/Embassy well in advance of their travel date. It is the responsibility of the participant to obtain a visa as necessary. Official letters of invitation designed to assist with obtaining an entry visa can be downloaded from the Conference website - see Invitation Letter. Please note that such letters do not represent a commitment on the part of the Conference Chairs or Conference Organizer to provide any financial assistance. The Conference Organizers cannot accept any liability for personal accidents or loss or damage to private property of participants of potential religious elements that contribute to build the fundamental components of society 2019. Conference Secretariat Department of Chemistry University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan. +92 99261300-06 Ext: 2290 chemistry@uok.edu.pk | ccr@advancedmultiple.ca | organizingsecretary-iccrs@advancedmultiple.ca | rafia@advancedmultiple.ca | office@advancedmultiple.ca | http://www.uok.edu.pk/
1st Pakistan Food & Pharma Summit (PFPS-2K19) AND
1st Pakistan Food & Pharma Summit (Pfps-2k19) and Pakistan Healthcare Expo | July 10-11, 2019 | Pak-China Friendship Centre, Garden Avenue, Shakarparian Rd, Islamabad, Pakistan. Hope you are fine and safe by the grace of Allah Almighty. NAFS Pakistan is a well-known organization striving for safe food production and consumption for betterment of Human Society by training and educating manufacturers and consumers. With the growing demand of Food & Pharma Industry products, we are pleased to inform you that National Alliance for Safe Food is holding 1st Pakistan Food & Pharma Summit (PFPS-19) on July 10-11, 2019 at Pak China Friendship Center Islamabad with the collaboration of Institute of Agricultural Sciences and Riphah Institute of Public Policy. You are requested to please participate as well as Nominate your staff.
5th International Conference
The conference is being hosted by Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at Canada (AMJ). To find out more about AMJ please visit alislam.org The Qur'an and Science Conference will be held on Sunday November 25, 2018 from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm The conference will be held at Baitul Hamd Mosque, 1194 Matheson Blvd. East, Mississauga, ON., L4W1Y2 Canada. The Fifth international conference on the Holy Qur’an and Science highlights novel research carried out on the Holy Qur’an to discover the treasures buried in the Holy Book of Muslims. The wide range of subjects that will be covered in the conference include Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy, Medicine & Health Sciences, Engineering as well as other areas of research. Speakers will present research on the broad spectrum of various disciplines of Sciences based on the Holy Qur’an. In addition, there will be an afternoon poster session and exhibition on the Holy Qur’an.